As of software version V9., the Videon Node/EdgeCaster supports the ability to format external storage devices (SD cards or USB drives) to FAT32 file system using the Node/EdgeCaster's web UI.
- From the Videon Node/EdgeCaster web UI, navigate to the Advanced tab.
- Scroll down to Storage Device Management and click Open.
- If you have an external storage device attached, it should be recognized under the dropdown menu
- Select the desired storage device and select Format
- With the following prompt, be sure to select Yes.
- When finished formatting, you will see the following prompt.
- Click OK, select the storage device and click Safely Remove then it can be removed and reinserted into the Node/EdgeCaster.
- Voila! Your external storage device has been formatted to FAT32 and now it is ready to be used with your Videon Node/EdgeCaster!