This article explains the different errors that can be reported in the LiveEdge Cloud Control user interface. Please reference the error you are looking for in the table of contents below and click to navigate to the section of the article of most interest to you.
Table of Contents:
- Network Error
- Version Mismatch
- No response from device in 20 seconds
- This output is enabled, but is not currently streaming
Network Error
Problem: This error is usually displayed when there is a connection issue between the computer being used and the Cloud Control platform.
Solution: Ensure your computer is properly connected to the internet by navigating to any other website (i.e. We recommend using Google Chrome web browser. If you continue to experience issues, please attempt to use another web browser (i.e., Mozilla Firefox, Safari (only on MacOS), etc.). For any further trouble, please submit a support ticket!
Version Mismatch
Problem: This error is usually displayed when there is a mismatch between the current configurations on the Cloud Control platform and the device’s current state. This can often occur if both the Cloud Control platform and local web UI are open simultaneously and changes are being made from both.
- To prevent this issue from happening, we recommend only using the local web UI or Cloud Control UI - one at a time.
- You can click “Reload” at any time to refresh your Cloud Control UI and ensure it is displaying updated information before you make any changes to be saved.
3.You can click “Force Sync” at any time to perform an API call to get the latest respective device shadow to ensure that the Cloud UI has the most up-to-date information from the API.
No response from device in 20 seconds…
Problem: This error occurs when LiveEdge Cloud has lost communication with the device for 20 seconds. This can occur while changing Network Settings from DHCP to Static (or vice versa) and also if the device is experiencing a connection issue with the Cloud Control platform itself.
- Ensure the appropriate networking endpoints and ports are open and/or whitelisted for outbound communication from the device to the Cloud Control platform according to this Help Center article.
- If step #1 does not resolve the issue, you may be encountering device-side issues.
- Attempt to power cycle/reboot the device and see if the issue is resolved.
- If you have access to the device’s local web UI, try navigating to it and see if the device is responsive at its local IP address.
- If you can’t access the device’s local web UI or any of the above solutions do not resolve the issue, please submit a support ticket. If possible, attaching debug logs from the device will be the most helpful for our support team!
This output is enabled, but is not currently streaming…
Problem: This error indicates that the output is enabled, but there is either an invalid/unsupported video or audio input, or something is wrong with the configuration, preventing it from actively streaming.
- First, ensure there is a valid source connected to the device that reports a supported video format.
- If the issue persists, for the output that is enabled but not currently streaming, check which Video Encoder and Audio Encoder(s) are assigned to the output by clicking the drop-down arrow to the left of the output under the Configuration tab.
- Navigate to Configuration > Encoders and monitor the “Encoder Status” of the Video Encoder and Audio Encoder(s) attached to the output.
- If any of the encoders report “No input” for the Encoder Status as in the screenshot below:
5.Click on the drop-down arrow to the left of the encoder and make sure there is an input selected under the Input Selection section then click SAVE.
6.For any further issues after trying the steps above, please submit a support ticket!