Setting up the Videon device as an encoder
- Connect to the Videon device
- Navigate to Encoder Control in the Streaming Dashboard
- Click one of the Unicast outputs under Outputs
- Select a valid Video and Audio Source
- Under either Unicast Output 1 or 2
- Choose rtp or udp based on Unicast streaming tips
- Enter the IP Address of the computer that will be viewing the stream into the IP Address field
- If the computer is on the same network, enter the computer's IP assigned on the local network
- If the computer is on a different network, enter the computer's public IP (Google search for "What is my IP" on the computer)
- Enter the port to stream on into the Port field (more information on this also in Unicast streaming tips)
- If the computer is on a different network, the port will be set up via port forwarding
- Click the On/Off switch next to Unicast Output 1 or 2 to ON
- Click Save
A common decoder used in testing is VLC Media Player. Once installed on your computer, simply navigate to "Media > Open Network Stream..." and enter [rtp or udp]://@:[PORT] (i.e. rtp://@:1234) , click Play, and you should see your stream!