In Cloud Agent V1.5.2, we have now released the ability to update local Videon device software (LiveEdge® Node/EdgeCaster ONLY at this time) using LiveEdge® Cloud Control! This process is very similar to updating the Cloud Agent on the Cloud Control platform. For more information about updating your Cloud Agent so you can access this new feature, please see this article!
Update Instructions
- Ensure that you are logged into your Cloud Control organization and your device is online.
Videon's Software Release Server:
- The device must also be able to reach Videon's Software Release Server in order to download the software update files!!! See this article if you need more information about Videon's Software Release Server for Firewall permissions.
- On, navigate to Devices and select All Devices.
- Search for your device by serial number and under Firmware, the online devices with an available update will appear in blue text.
- Click on the blue firmware version.
- Click the UPDATE TO VX.X.XXX button to update your Cloud Agent to at least V1.5.2.
- Once your Cloud Agent is updated to >V1.5.2, you should see a new prompt if a Firmware Update is available as follows:
- Click UPDATE TO X.X.X and allow some time for the software update files to be downloaded.
- Once the files have successfully downloaded, you will receive the following prompt.
- Type in CONFIRM and click REBOOT to conduct the device reboot.
NOTE: The device will appear as "Device Offline" while the update is being applied.
- After up to 10 minutes, the device should re-appear online in the Cloud Control platform and will now be updated to the latest software version! NOTE: It may be necessary to update the Cloud Agent once more after updating the local device software to ensure it is still operating on Cloud Agent V1.5.2.