Monitoring your AV input preview on LiveEdge® Cloud offers valuable insights into your video streaming setup. This article shows various ways you can access your AV input preview. Before proceeding, please make sure you have device access by logging onto LiveEdge® Cloud.
Enabling AV Input Preview From Cloud Control:
- Navigate to your device on the Cloud Control dashboard.
- Go to Configuration → Outputs → Output Type: Thumbnail / Preview.
- Turn Output Enabled on, and ensure the image width is < 320 pixels, and click Save.
- The AV Input Preview is displayed as a thumbnail image within the Cloud Control platform at 1 frame per second (FPS) with an overlaid audio meter, similar to what is offered in the local Web UI today.
- NOTE: The preview image will only send from the device while the browser window is focused, otherwise it will pause sending to conserve bandwidth and data usage!
- There are 4 options for viewing your AV Input Preview within the Cloud Control platform once it is enabled:
Device Info Tab:
- Navigate to Device Info tab underneath your device’s serial number or device name. You should see the AV Input Preview listed under “Input Settings Status”.
- Navigate to Device Info tab underneath your device’s serial number or device name. You should see the AV Input Preview listed under “Input Settings Status”.
Input Settings Dropdown:
- Navigate to your device on the Cloud Control dashboard.
- Go to the Configuration tab underneath your device’s serial number.
- Click Inputs → Input Settings dropdown. You should see the AV Input Preview beneath AV Input Preview.
Device Status on Dashboard:
After any output is started and your device is reporting "Streaming" on the Cloud Control dashboard, you can click on Dashboard on the left-hand sidebar.
Find your device in the list of streaming devices, and click on the Status of your device (Streaming).
- You should see the AV Input Preview under Input Settings Status.
Device Status through Device List:
- Click on Device List → All Devices on the left-hand sidebar. Click on the Status of your device here.
- You should see the AV Input Preview under Input Settings Status.
- Click on Device List → All Devices on the left-hand sidebar. Click on the Status of your device here.
Device Info Tab:
By offering multiple avenues for accessing the AV Input Preview, Cloud Control ensures that users can choose the method that best fits their workflow and monitoring needs. Whether it's through the Cloud Control dashboard of actively streaming devices or within individual device configurations, LiveEdge® Cloud Control provides flexibility and convenience in monitoring your AV input preview effectively.